provide this website for free to all the people around the world. No one ever pay for watching, download, comment in this website. Everything happen in this website which is came from the visitors behavior or actions, 100% is the visitor responsibility. The free visitor who comes and uses this website is subjected to the acceptance of any terms and conditions that are applied or may be applied on this site.
Terms & Conditions For All The Visitors
All the visitor here are the free visitor.
No visitor need to pay for watching, download, commenting.
No transactions in this website.
All the free visitors will bear the consequences of any actions taken on this website.
All the free visitors are subjected to the illegal online streaming activities as well.
- never ask or push anyone to come and watch here.
All the actions and activities from the user/visitor is purely did by themselves.
Negative comment, bad word, rude behavior which is came from the visitors are recorded as their IP also recorded for the legal issue to track if the authorities find it need to be solve following the government protocol and jurisdiction.
MovieMora is not obligated to be responsible for any damage, legal standard, or negative situations, as everything on this website comes from another website that can be found in the public network. And as the visitor is the one who will bear all the consequences for watching, downloading, commenting, and everything else they did on the website.
MovieMora and a similar kinda website will never exist when there are no visitors. Visitors are obligated to be responsible for all their activities on the website.