Movies: Biography
Biography movies can be called the most inspiring, but at the same time the saddest film genre. In contrast to historical movies, biopics tell about a person and his/her role in history. As a rule, biography movies are based on real events. They are called either after the name of the protagonist or after a specific trait of his/her character.
The boom of biography movies started in the 1980s, when big money came to cinema. In the minds of most people (including filmmakers), a biography movie, based on real events, is a huge story about a famous person against the backdrop of the global historical events. One of the eternal problems of cinema lies in such (completely fair) expectation- the reliability.
Sometimes, the movie director deliberately distorts reality to add drama or reveal certain characteristics of the character’s personality.
If you like biography movies, our website offers a wide selection of such films for every taste. You can find the latest biography movies starring the world stars by using a convenient filter, and then follow the fate of celebrities in the classic movies that have already received prestigious awards and excellent reviews from the film critics, as well as get acquainted with the life vicissitudes of the great people who left a mark on history, culture and science. We offer you to watch the biography movies for free 46without registration. You also have the opportunity to download any film you want.
1h 30min min
2h 21m min
1h 20m min
98 min
117 min
163 min
102 min
40 min min
TV Show
2h 42min min
88 min